Good Habits for a Healthy Skin

Get into a Routine

It is vital for your skin to do a basic Cleanse, Tone & Moisturise routine on your skin morning and evening & not to forget to use your eye care product at these ties also. Exfoliation and extra hydration of our skin should be done on a weekly basis. You will see amazing results with very little effort!

Protection, Protection, Protection

Using a Broad -Spectrum sun protection cream and staying out of the sun between 10am – 3pm will help protect your skin from the aging effect of UV rays. Both Yonka & Image SPF’s contain UVA & UVB filters.  Don’t forget to protect your lips and eyes. Your sunglasses should contain a UV filter. Also, remember to re-apply your SPF often. One application a day is simply not enough to give you continued protection throughout the day. 


TOP TIP: If you suffer with heat rash, choose a Physical SPF as opposed to a more Chemical based one. 

Sleep Well

Remember your body goes into heal & repair mode while you sleep, regenerating & healing your skin. Avoid taking stimulants like coffee & tea before bedtime. Aim for a full 8 hours of what is accurately termed “Beauty Sleep”!

Where there’s smoke there are wrinkles!!!!

Aside from those tell-tale lines around your mouth & eyes, smoking robs the skin of oxygen and depletes your intake of precious Vitamin C. This ages your skin twice as fast!

Eat Well

What you put on your plate could be your best weapon against skin aging. Think of it as a “two pronged attack” – your skin creams do the work on the surface and our diet tackles the task from the inside. Eating the right foods gives your skin the nutrients it needs to be healthier, brighter, smoother and dare I say it, less wrinkled. The top 10 beauty foods are – antioxidant rich berries; broccoli; butternut squash; dark leafy greens; oats(porridge) for its soluble fibre and B-complex vitamins; essential fatty acid omega rich foods like avocado, rich olive oil; salmon, nuts. And last but by no means least WATER!


Let’s get back to basics…… Step 1 - Cleansing!


The Brides guide to Beauty on the Big Day!